Befreiung bei Wohnortwechsel - Bedingungen und Verfahren

Auf dieser Seite: Ich erkläre Ihnen die Bedingungen und Verfahren, um von der Befreiung von ISV, Mehrwertsteuer und Zollgebühren bei der Einfuhr und Legalisierung eines Fahrzeugs bei der Verlegung Ihres Wohnsitzes nach Portugal zu profitieren.

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Zunächst einmal: Willkommen in Portugal. :)

Wenn Sie Ihren Wohnsitz nach Portugal verlegen, können Sie von der Zahlung von ISV, Mehrwertsteuer und Zollgebühren für die Einfuhr und Legalisierung eines Fahrzeugs jeder Art befreit werden - es kann ein Auto, ein Motorrad, ein Lieferwagen, ein Wohnmobil, etc. sein.

Diese Befreiung ist besonders geeignet für rückkehrende Auswanderer (Ex-Emigranten) und Expatriates (Bürger eines anderen Landes, die nach Portugal ziehen und ihr Auto mitbringen wollen), kann aber von jedem genossen werden, der die Kriterien erfüllt.

Lesen Sie auch die folgende Seite, die praktische Informationen enthält, die hier nicht erklärt werden: Zeugnis - ein Auto nach Portugal bringen, ohne ISV zu bezahlen.
Wenn Sie nach offiziellen Informationen suchen, schlage ich vor, Sie lesen auch: Befreiung von ISV bei der Verlegung des Wohnsitzes aus einem Mitgliedstaat oder einem Drittland nach Portugal.

Die Hauptbedingungen für eine vollständige Befreiung sind:

Wenn Sie nicht alle Bedingungen erfüllen, müssen Sie die Steuern wie im Normalfall bezahlen.
Simulieren Sie hier die zu zahlenden Steuern: ISV-Simulator (berechnet ISV, Mehrwertsteuer und Zollgebühren).

Die wichtigsten Einschränkungen:

Dokumentation erforderlich:

Wie beantragt man die Befreiung? Folgen Sie den Anweisungen für die Legalisierung importierter Fahrzeuge, die Schritte sind fast die gleichen.

Einfach gesagt, der Prozess der Legalisierung ist wie folgt:

Dinge, die man sich merken muss:

Die Gesetzgebung, die diese Befreiung festlegt und regelt, ist das Código do Imposto Sobre Veículos (Lei n.º 22-A/2007).

Zweifel, Probleme oder Anregungen

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Sie können auch mit Ihren Landsleuten, die bereits in Portugal sind, darüber sprechen, versuchen Sie diese Seiten (nicht verbunden mit

18.01.2020. 21:17

F. Bonny em 13.03.2023. 10:27

Sou uma emigrante portuguesa na Suíça e estou a preparar-me para passar mais tempo em Portugal depois de me reformar. Em principio o meu domicilio continuará a ser a Suíça, mas gostava de ter um carro em Portugal.
Pergunta: Posso levar um carro suíço que tenho aqui comigo e registá-lo em Portugal?
Caso não, quanto tempo posso conduzir este carro suíço em Portugal sem problemas? É que estou a pensar ir e vir várias vezes. Obrigada pela informação.

Dorene em 24.10.2022. 11:31


Thank you for answering. This is info is nowhere else available. Helps a lot. Makes me change plans, but that's okay.
Great page!

FD em 22.10.2022. 15:55

@Dorene em 20.10.2022. 16:07

No, that's not possible. You'll have to pay tax in your case.

If its documentation state it as a "wohnmobil", in principle, you won't have any problem registering it in Portugal.

Dorene em 20.10.2022. 16:07

is it possible to bring a van to Portugal under that exemption, that shall remain there, although Portugal is 2nd residence? (1. residence remains Germany). I don't want to travel all the time but often and Portugal is the better starting point. Btw it was an old emergency car, licensed as van/Wohnmobil in Germany. Will this be troublesome? Thank you!

FD em 16.02.2022. 12:08

@Bianca em 15.02.2022. 22:08

Sorry but, as a principle, I don't recommend anyone.
Did you downloaded the DAV instructions?

Bianca em 15.02.2022. 22:08

Thank you so much for your help! Thats really nice!
I'm struggling now with the DAV, for me its quite dificult to fill the document with the correct informations. Do you know anybody/anything who/which could help me?
We tried to hire an agent for the whole process, but unfortunately nobody answered so far. So we want to try it by ourselves.
Thank you so much!

FD em 26.05.2021. 16:51

@Nicolas em 26.05.2021. 15:57

You can opt to:
- change the car's registered name to yours and stay in Germany for another 6 months
- don't bring the car until your wife changes her residence to Portugal

You should not bring the car in any other case - if you do, you might lose the exemption.

The portuguese tax authority (Autoridade Tributária) usually asks for proof of arrival to Portugal. If you bring the car with you, in your wife's name, she will not be able to provide this proof as one of the requirements is that the car must be brought when the person moves to Portugal, not before.

Nicolas em 26.05.2021. 15:57


thank you for all the information. I have a question concerning owing the car 6 month before. The the car i want to take with me is immatriculated for more than 12 month on my wifes name, but i bought it. My wife will stay in germany, as she still has to work a bit. So in the first instance i will be resident in portugal and my wife in germany. Would this be possible to bring the car?

Cristian em 07.05.2021. 17:21

@FD: Muito obrigado! :)

FD em 02.05.2021. 12:51

@Cristian em 01.05.2021. 08:15

Yes, any person can bring a car, as long as he/she meets the criteria, having a driving license or not.

So, your wife should have the car registered in her name, should have owned it for 6 months prior to the move and should have resided in your country of origin for at least 6 months.
If you have both cars registered in your name, you can only benefit from the exemption for one car - the second car has to be registered in your wife's name but she doesn't have to have a driving license.

Cristian em 01.05.2021. 08:15


as far as I understood one person can bring only one car to Madeira (if you meet the special criteria, of course) without having to pay the ISV (Imposto sobre Veiculo). But what if you are 2 persons and only one of them has a driving license? Can you still bring 2 cars to Madeira without having to pay the ISV?

For example my wife and I would like to move / emigrate to Madeira. We have 2 cars (bought them more than 1 year ago), but my wife has no driving license, only I do.

So I'm wondering if we would have to to pay the ISV for the second car.

Thank you in advance for your answer!


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